Nursing program learning outcomes

	Nursing program learning outcomes

Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs):

A. Knowledge and Understanding:

Upon successful completion of an undergraduate Nursing Program, graduates should be able to:

A1. Identify the principles of the basic, applied, and clinical sciences as well as the social, behavioral and leadership/management sciences that contribute to nursing practices and the principles of scientific research and biostatistics.

A2. Describe the pathophysiology, clinical picture, diagnosis, and complications of the common diseases across life span.

A3. Explain the scientific background of the nursing process for all nursing interventions in the different age group.

A4. Classify the methods and levels of prevention, and methods of health education, necessary to prevent the emergence of diseases, limit their spread, and avoid their complications.

A5. Define the legal and ethical frameworks for the nursing profession, and procedural evidence to provide the best nursing services for different age groups.

B. Cognitive/ Intellectual Skills:

Upon successful completion of an undergraduate Nursing Program, graduates should be able to:

B1. Analysis of thinking skills in prioritizing actions and making decisions to solve problems related to patient care management according to scientific and methodological foundations.

B2. Interpret data collection of patient assessment results to determine the nursing diagnosis and essential nursing care required.

B3. Develops the programs and plans for health promotion to meet the health needs for communities and individuals.

B4. Integrate the professional ethics, procedure guidelines and research results in the delivering of nursing care.

C. Practical and Professional Skills:

Upon successful completion of an undergraduate Nursing Program, graduates should be able to:

C1. Apply the standards plans, nursing intervention guidelines and patient safety measures during nursing care delivery in accordance with standardized protocols and guidelines.

C2. Employ modern medical technologies and devices and information management to support safe nursing care.

C3. Deliver standard nursing care for all patients in the different age groups.

C4. Practice safe and effective laboratory, clinical and research skills with professional ethics.

D. General and Transferable Skills:

Upon successful completion of an undergraduate Nursing Program, graduates should be able to:

D1. Effective communication with patients and colleagues and respect for different values, cultures, intellectual levels, and emotional state.

D2. Utilize information technology and manage time effectively.

D3. Document professional judgment and action implemented accurately.

D4. Demonstrate teamwork skills and work according to the quality improvement framework.

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