First Year- First Semester
Department offer course | Clinical Hours | Lab. Hours | Theory Hours | Type of requirement | Subject | Code no. |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Arabic language | RAZ01 |
Humanistic | - | - | 4 | University | English language | RAZ02 |
Humanistic | - | - | 2 | University | Islamic culture | RAZ03 |
Science | - | 1 | 2 | College | General biology | MSC01 |
Science | - | 1 | 2 | College | General chemistry | AMS01 |
Science | - | 1 | 2 | College | Physics | MSC04 |
17 | - | 3 | 14 | Total |
First Year- Second Semester
Department offer course | Clinical Hours | Lab. Hours | Theory Hours | Type of requirement | Subject | Code no |
Science | - | 1 | 2 | University | Computer skills | RAZ04 |
Humanistic | - | - | 4 | College | English for Medical Purposes | MSC05 |
Medical | - | 1 | 2 | College | Anatomy and histology | MSC06 |
Medical | - | - | 2 | College | Physiology | MSC08 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Introduction to Community Health | COM24 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | College | Communication skills | MSC03 |
16 | - | 2 | 14 | Total |
Second Year-First Semester
Department offer course | Clinical Hours | Lab. Hours | Theory Hours | Type of requirement | Subject | Code no. |
Humanistic | - | - | 2 | College | Psychology | MSC07 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Department | First aid | AMS02 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 3 | Specialty | Basic epidemiology | COM01 |
Laboratory | - | 1 | 2 | Department | Medical Biochemistry | AMS02 |
Humanistic | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Medical Sociology | COM02 |
Laboratory | 2 | 1 | Department | Medical Microbiology | AMS01 | |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | College | Biostatistics | MSC11 |
18 | - | 3 | 15 | Total |
Second year- Second Semester
Department offer course | Clinical Hours | Lab. Hours | Theory Hours | Type of requirement | Subject | Code no. |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Primary health care | COM03 |
Applies medical sciences | 2 | - | 3 | Specialty | Infectious diseases (1) | COM04 |
Laboratory | 1 | 2 | Department | Medical Parasitology | AMS03 | |
Applies medical sciences | 2 | - | 2 | Specialty | Environmental health (1) | COM05 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 3 | Specialty | General nutrition | COM06 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | College | Professional ethics and regulations | MSC09 |
19 | 4 | 1 | 14 | Total |
Third Year- First Semester
Department offer course | Clinical Hours | Lab. Hours | Theory Hours | Type of requirement | Subject | Code no. |
Applies medical sciences | 2 | - | 2 | Specialty | Environmental health (2) | COM07 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Demography | COM08 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Health economics | COM09 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Health administration | COM26 |
Applies medical sciences | 2 | - | 3 | Specialty | Infectious diseases (2) | COM10 |
Laboratory | - | - | 2 | College | Pathology | MSC10 |
17 | 4 | - | 13 | Total |
Third year- Second Semester
Department offer course | Clinical Hours | Lab. Hours | Theory Hours | Type of requirement | Subject | Code no |
Pharmacy | - | - | 2 | Department | Basic pharmacology | AMS04 |
Applies medical sciences | 2 | - | 3 | Specialty | Occupational health & safety | COM11 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Health legislations | COM12 |
Applied health science | 2 | - | 2 | Specialty | Health Education | COM13 |
Applied health science | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Health information systems | COM14 |
Applied health science | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Disaster management | COM15 |
17 | 4 | - | 13 | Total |
Fourth Year-First Semester
Department offer course | Clinical Hours | Lab. Hours | Theory Hours | Type of requirement | Subject | Code no. |
Applies medical sciences | 1 | - | 3 | Specialty | Non-infectious diseases | COM16 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Health Planning | COM17 |
Applies medical sciences | 2 | - | 2 | specialty | School health | COM18 |
Applies medical sciences | 2 | - | 2 | specialty | Reproductive &Child health (1) | COM19 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | College | Research methodology and presentation skills | MSC12 |
16 | 5 | - | 11 | Total |
Fourth year-Second Semester
Department offer course | Clinical Hours | Lab. Hours | Theory Hours | Type of requirement | Subject | Code no. |
Applies medical sciences | 2 | - | 2 | specialty | Reproductive &Child health (2) | COM21 |
Applies medical sciences | 2 | - | 2 | Specialty | Mental health | COM22 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | Specialty | Global health | COM23 |
Applies medical sciences | - | - | 2 | specialty | Health care of elderly | COM20 |
Applies medical sciences | 4 | - | - | College | Graduation Research Project | MSC13 |
16 | 8 | - | 8 | Total |